Efficient Wealth Transfer using Segregated Funds

Efficient Wealth Transfer using Segregated Funds

Efficient Wealth Transfer using Segregated FundsMike Plume
Published on: 04/03/2024

In this blog we will look at the efficient, streamlined transfer of wealth using segregated funds and their ability to bypass probate, offer creditor protection, etc.

Segregated Funds vs Mutual Funds

Segregated Funds vs Mutual Funds

Segregated Funds vs Mutual FundsMike Plume
Published on: 03/03/2024

In this blog we will look at the advantages of both segregated funds and mutual funds, with focus on the estate planning aspect and naming beneficiaries.

Name a Beneficiary for all Investment Accounts

Name a Beneficiary for all Investment Accounts

Name a Beneficiary for all Investment AccountsMike Plume
Published on: 01/03/2024

This blog covers the importance of having a beneficiary named for all of your accounts, especially non-registered or open accounts. Banks cannot do this for non-registered accounts, only insurance companies are able to.